Accepting the Bible as the inspired Word of God, it is our objective to "sow the seed" of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and reproduce a first century congregation of God's family in a 21st century setting. It is to God-breathed words that we turn to determine what needs to be taught and what our work as a church should be. It is within the pages of God's book that we learn how He wants us to worship Him (John 4:23,24) and how we should live our lives (2 Peter 1:3). Appeals to human philosophies, experiences or feelings are inadequate. Only truth as originally revealed in scripture is authoritative.
February 2025
- Sun 9 AM Worship In Person & Zoom
2/16/25 09:00am - Sun AM Bible Study In Person & Zoom
2/16/25 10:05am - Wed 7 PM Bible Study In Person & Zoom
2/19/25 07:00pm - Sun 9 AM Worship In Person & Zoom
2/23/25 09:00am - Full Calendar
Sunday, February 16, 2025
“[More on Love and Hatred] For this is the message you heard from the beginning: We should love one another.”(Daily Reading, ESV)